


「何より、チベットに残してきた両親や兄弟のことを思うと、いまはこんなに遠くに離れていて、わたしたちはいつ、再び会えるのかしらと毎日思う。それを考えると眠られなくなるから、考えないようにしている。イタリアの生活もいまのところは順調だし、人々もみんな親切だけれど、わたしはやっぱりチベットに帰りたい。チベットは本当にきれいなところよ。Veramente Bella! Bellissima!! (本当に本当にきれいなの)写真で見たり、映画で観るよりずっときれいなところ」と彼女は、自分の生まれた場所の近くの様子を話して聞かせてくれる。


ローマでデモを行ったり、抗議活動を行うときは、彼女はマスクをして顔を隠す。顔を見せて素性が分かってしまうと、いつか必ず会いたいと毎日願っている家族がどんな目に会うか分からないからだ。彼女だけではない。チベットに家族がいる、青年たち、娘たちはみな、顔を隠して抗議活動をする。中国大使館の窓から覗く人影を、涙がいっぱいにたまった目で凝視しながら彼らが叫ぶ、Tibet Liberoのスローガンが、辺り一帯に響き渡ると、大使館の人影が動く窓のシャッターはするすると降りてしまう。






Dear friends,
A modern day bloodbath is unfolding on the small island of Sri Lanka and the key to stopping this humanitarian disaster lies with Sri Lanka’s largest donor and closest partner in the region -- Japan. Let´s send a powerful message to the Japanese Foreign Minister asking for pressure to stop the killing.

A modern day bloodbath is unfolding on the small island of Sri Lanka, where a thousand civilians were reported killed over the weekend and tens of thousands of innocent people are literally at risk of being killed this week, as government and rebel forces battle it out over the last small patch of rebel held territory.

Now that the US has begun to increase its pressure, the solution to stopping this humanitarian disaster lies with Sri Lanka’s key donor and closest partner in the region -- Japan. It has powerful political and economic influence over the Sri Lankan government and a swing vote at the UN Security Council, which up until now has turned a blind eye to this mounting catastrophe.

Click here to send a message to the Japanese Foreign Minister, who is deciding his government's next steps. Japan cares about its international reputation and a flood of messages from abroad would encourage them to act. If Japan moves then the Sri Lankan government will be forced to immediately respond to protect civilians:


外務大臣 中曽根弘文 殿


  • スリランカ紛争の当事者たちが、あらゆる民間人(まだ閉じこめられている人か、戦闘地域を逃れた人たちであるかを問わわない)を危害から守ること

  • 現在も、そして、紛争が終わった後も、 貴国の開発援助が、持続的可能な平和及び人権を促進する援助であるよう確保すること

CC  外務事務次官 薮中三十二 殿

As last weekend´s carnage testifies, every minute counts for the estimated 50,000 civilians still trapped inside the shrinking conflict zone and for those 200,000 more who are barely surviving in overcrowded camps. The International Committee of the Red Cross, which rarely makes public comment, called this conflict between the Sri Lankan government and the Tamil rebels, 'nothing short of catastrophic'.

Until now, the divided UN Security Council has abdicated their responsibility to protect Sri Lankans from war crimes and other atrocities. But in this conflict Japan cannot be ignored – its powerful voice could tip the balance and influence the conflict dynamics, saving lives in the short-term and promoting peace and development in the long run.

Asia's longest-running civil war is entering its final stage – the only question is how many will die before it ends. Let´s send a powerful message urging Foreign Minister Nakasone to act responsibly and lead international efforts to push the Tamil rebels to release the remaining civilians, stop the government bombing and bring sustainable peace to Sri Lanka. Japan's political and economic weight means that they cannot be ignored:


As other donor nations increase the pressure behind the scenes this week, a truly global citizens' outcry can further turn the heat on the Japanese government to use its leverage and push for a robust and concerted international action that stops the bloodshed and protect the Sri Lankan civilian population at risk. Thank you for sending your message today.

With hope

Luis, Brett, Alice, Graziela, Pascal, Ben, Ricken, Paula, Iain, Paul, Raj and the rest of the Avaaz Team