5月31日の Osel青年について,いただいたコメントより。チベット仏教の活仏のスペイン人


The person recognized as the incarnation of FPMT’s founder, Lama Thubten Yeshe, was in his early life known as Lama Osel. Today he prefers to be called simply “Osel”. Osel is completing a course of Western studies in Europe, at which he is doing extremely well. The following is a current message from Osel;

Lama Oselとして知られているFPMTの創設者、Lama Thubten Yesheのトウルクと認められた青年は、現在は、ただ「オーセル」と名前で呼ばれることを希望している。オーセルは欧州で修学し、大変元気に過ごしている。以下はオーセルからのメッセージだ。
June 2009

Dear Friends,
It is important to have a good experience of what life is. I have been really lucky to be able to experience both western and eastern cultures and I am so grateful to everyone who has helped me in both cultures. In combination, being in India and the West has been a rich experience that I’ve been privileged to absorb from both sides.


There were times in India when it was hard to accept the destiny. Being treated differently, and feeling apart. But that experience was really good and I so appreciate it.


However, certain media find ways to sensationalize and exaggerate an unusual story. So I hope that what appears in news print is not read and taken too literally. Don't believe everything that is written!


Experience shows that however hard one tries in interviews to sincerely and honestly convey key information, the printed result can tend towards sensationalism to get the most attention.


FPMT is doing a great job and Lama Zopa is an immensely special person - very inspiring and a great yogi.

FPMTは、素晴らしい活動をしているし、Lama Zopaは、口で表せないほどスペシャルな人物だ。霊感に満ちあふれた、偉大なヨギだ。

Personally, my job is to find new ways in which to discover the true nature of our being. There is no separation between myself and FPMT - we are all working together in so many aspects and terrains. Humanity is our office. Besides, I don’t really qualify very much in Buddhist studies, because I didn’t finish them, so working together is the clue.


So I’m trying to find a different way for this future generation. One of the ways is through music, movies and audio-visual techniques. In a movie you can condense so many different stories. You can put in music, you can put in different situations and messages. Even just the sunset can be enough to give you peace to find a moment of meditation in yourself. There are so many different millions of possibilities in movies.


And not just movies, but documentaries actually going somewhere and interviewing people who may have reached a level on their path where they are at peace with themselves, and so much more....!!!


That’s kind of what I’m planning to do. But it is one thing is to plan and another for things to actually happen. So we’re back to mental projections. But for now, that’s what I am hoping to do.

Big Love






"Con 14 meses ya me hab〓an reconocido y llevado a la India. Me vistieron con un gorro amarillo, me sentaron en un trono, la gente me veneraba... Me sacaron de mi familia y me metieron en una situaci〓n medieval en la que he sufrido much〓simo. Era como vivir en una mentira." [2]

["At 14 months I was recognized and taken to India. They dressed me in a yellow hat, they sat me on a throne, people worshipped me ... They took me away from my family and put me in a medieval situation in which I suffered a lot. It was like living a lie."]


Extracts appeared the following day in the The Guardian (UK). Wisdom Publications (the FPMT publisher) then reported on the controversy on its blog under the title "Tempest in a Teapot." [3], claiming that Hita's original comments had been misrepresented and taken out of context. According to Wisdom, the article from El Mundo had been based on the one for Babylon Magazine.

このエルムンド紙を抜粋し、英国のガーディアン紙も記事を掲載した。Wisdom Publications(FPMT出版)の管理するブログのレポートによると、Hita(オーセル)のオリジナルのコメントは、間違った解釈をされ、文脈を変えて掲載された。Wisdomによれば、エルムンド紙は、バビロンマガジンのインタビューをベースに記事を作成したらしい。

さて、この記事がコリエレ紙にも掲載されたわけだが、新聞のずさんな記事作成が明らかになるだろう。バビロンマガジンがインタビューしたものを、勝手に構成を変えて記事にし、それを英訳し抜粋したものを、ガーディアン紙、コリエレ紙が掲載する(さらにイタリア語に変えて、そのうえ、ご丁寧にインドと中国を間違って!)。もはやどこにも真実はないといってもいいかもしれない。ちなみに、やっぱりレコードチャイナもこんな記事を。http://www.recordchina.co.jp/group/g32134.html しかも出所が仏メディアになっているところも驚きだ。

前回も書いたが、還俗自体、何ひとつ問題のないことだ。僧侶の格好をしなくても、俗人としてダルマ(法)を表現することはできる。僧侶が向いていないと思えば、還俗したって何ひとつ問題はない。むしろ、オーセル青年が一人のアーティストとして、一人の表現者として生きていこうとしていることを、わたしはとても現代的で喜ばしいと思うのだ。ブータンのリンポチェによって制作された有名な映画「the cup」の例もあるように、オーセル青年がインドで学んだダルマが、いかに映画に生かされるか、そしてその作品のなかに、西洋と東洋がいかに融合されるか、今後の彼の活躍を心から応援したいと思う!!

かっこいいじゃない! オーセル青年!!